
Return policy


You may return your order, or any part of your order, for a full refund if you are not satisfied for any reason.

You must register your return within 15 days from receipt of your order and send the goods back according to instructions without undue delay and in any case no later than 15 days from registering your return.

To start the returns process:

Important note: All orders must be returned directly to us. Please do not return any items to the fulfillment warehouse.  We will not accept liability for any goods returned directly to fulfillment warehouse.

The same exclusions apply for returns as for the right of withdrawal.  Please note, the following goods cannot be returned:

Additional information:

If an order is returned which does not meet these conditions, your return may be refused and returned to you or a reduced refund may be offered.

Damaged or faulty goods

We will require an image or video showing the damage, fault or incorrect item received to be able to provide a solution. The most common solutions to resolving issues relating to damaged or faulty goods are:

If we cannot replace the item, and you do not wish to accept a discount, you can cancel the order and return the goods for a full refund.

Refusing delivery

If you refuse to accept delivery of all or part of your order (where the products or packaging do not appear to be damaged or defective) any fees and charges incurred by us due to a package being refused will be deducted from your merchandise refund. The same will apply if the tracking states that delivery has been attempted and the item is awaiting collection from a postal depot, and that item is not collected and returned to us.



We are able to exchange items, please contact us.